omani society
of hematology


Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to The Omani Society of Hematology.

The Omani Society of Hematology shares the vision in providing patient-centered clinical and laboratory training and education in order to deliver care of the highest standards to patients with hematological diseases in Oman.

We aim to develop competent, high quality hematologists equipped with the up-to-date knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to diagnose, manage and prevent blood diseases in the individual and the community and to provide consultations in that regard.

With such advancement both in clinical and laboratory fields, the scientific agenda and the technological advancement in the region has been designed to include diagnostic as well as therapeutic haematology. The society aims to attract clinical haematologists, haemato-pathologists, medical oncologists, pathologists, paediatricians as well as physicians managing such disorders.

The Omani Society of Hematology organizes a round of educational activities around the year to enable an opportunity to meet colleagues, build consensus and forge new avenues of collaboration. Additional opportunities are also created paving the pathways to interact with the experts.

These activities are focused on scientific programs that have been designed to provide an innovative overview of the latest developments in the field of Hematology by presenting established series of lectures, interactive sessions and panel discussions.

Dr. Abdulhakim Al Rawas

President Omani Society of Hematology

About the Society

The Omani Society of Hematology (OSH) is a professional organization established under the umbrella of Oman Medical Association on 10th March 2015, with the vision of making a difference in patients with hematological (blood) disorders. OSH is committed towards excellence in professional development through networking of members and a valued partner of Omani community with blood disorders and strive to create an environment of professional development to help foster network of growth and improvement in the hematology care.


To unite all doctors in Oman under one umbrella and make their voices heard.


To enhance quality and standard of medical practice in Oman by advocating a healthy working environment for the members and supporting their continuous professional development.

Event Hightlights